Significant investment in one of the Council’s Key Industrial and Business Area
Salmon Property obtained detailed planning for a 50,000 sq ft office and industrial building at Union Court, Lambeth following unanimous approval from the most recent planning committee.
The scheme will see one of the existing single-storey units at the 2 acre site demolished to make way for a ground and four upper storey building designed by Claridge Architects.
The end value of the new proposal is £50m and provides for industrial use at ground floor and office use on the upper levels.
The mix of adaptable office space will support up to 455 FTE jobs, an increase of 330 from the current employment space. The building will meet the BREEAM Excellent criteria and will be of outstanding design quality.
The development provides workspace in a location close to where the target occupier’s employees will work, at the same time as providing fast access to Central London via the Victoria and Northern lines.
Included in the scheme were eighty cycle parking spaces to encourage sustainable travel via Cycle Superhighway 7 (Merton to City) and local Quietways.
Paul Stoodley CEO of Salmon Property commented: “This approval is further proof that London is open for business and forward thinking local authorities will always consider well thought through applications, even in these challenging times. We are pleased to have secured this consent following significant consultation with the Lambeth planning team.